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Book chapter on Muting Refugees & Voicing Diasporas


Hassouneh, Nadine. (2018). “Muting Refugees, Voicing Diasporas: The Case of the Palestinians.” in World of Diasporas: Different Perceptions on the Concept of Diaspora. (H.S.Majhaila & S.Doğan, Eds.). Leiden: Brill Rodopi.

Chapter Title
Muting Refugees, Voicing Diasporas: The Case of the Palestinians

Not all diasporic experiences have been perceived and studied under a diaspora-focused lens; some diasporas have been made invisible and their voices made inaudible, of which the Palestinians are a sounding example. While there are a few authors who studied the Palestinians as a diaspora, there remain many gaps that require filling and various questions that require answering. Topics related to how, and to what extent, labelling influences lives, along with the ways some lives are researched and investigated have been surprisingly quiet, so far. The inaudibility of the Palestinian diasporic experience paralleled with the audibility of their experience, as one firmly twinned with refugeedom is a phenomenon worth exploring.